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[必需] Arm 版本 Manjaro 源配置
2020-10-29 20:09:41    247    0    0

Hi ARM Community!

Today we where lucky and proud to become part of the big Manjaro x64 mirror infrastructure.
Really awesome to have this happen, just before we get shipped as default OS on the Pinebook Pro 23.

This will help a lot with mirror available to all the new users we will get.

This means, that the old mirror you have will no longer get updated and you need to perform these steps to get onto the new mirrors.

Be aware that it might take all weekend for all mirrors to get the aarch64 packages.

Manual Intervention Required

To get on the new mirrors you simply have to do this.

  1. Edit your /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist file, so only this line is present:
Server =$repo/$arch
  1. Now run a complete update and database sync with this command:
sudo pacman -Syyu​​

New image releases will follow soon, probably within a week, where this change is already included.

上一篇: Manjaro安装系统后的必备操作

下一篇: WebSocket使用Nginx反向代理解决Wss服务问题

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